I am a currently-serving Peace Corps Volunteer in Bulgaria. The views on this blog do not necessarily reflect the views of the Peace Corps.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A. and K. in the Mountains

The man and woman in this picture have become very good friends. No one in the village wants their privacy blown so I'll call them A and K. From sun up to sundown it's work for this couple. When I have free time though, I disturb their work. A. built a gazebo that overlooks the mountains of Greece. He's got a television inside and we usually watch crummy television, Turkish soap operas mostly. A. smokes and K. brings in fresh watermelon, roasted pumpkin, pears, grapes...depending on the season. Today we watched the "Miss Silicone Contest," as ridiculous as it sounds.

I was glad that my parents got a chance to meet some of the people who are so kind to me.

1 comment:

  1. A. and K. truly are great people. I was happy to get a chance to meet them too!
